Monday, January 25, 2021

Linguistic Flashmob 21 January - "Case" with Mark baker and Julie Legate. Moderator: Joseph Bayer


LIST OF QUESTIONS: 1) Are direct cases a by- product of Agree or do they derive from the algorithm of dependent case? 2) How do you account for ergative vs accusative alignment? 3) Morphological case vs. Syntactic case.

Linguistic Flashmob 17 December - "Nature and Nurture" with Charles Yang and Ken Wexler on language acquisition. Moderator: M.T. Guasti


LIST OF QUESTIONS: 1) Imperfect input - perfect acquisition: which is the best language acquisition model? 2) Which is the role of frequency in parameter setting? 3) Which is the role of the 'third factor' in your model?

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Linguistic Flashmob 17 December: "Nature and Nurture" with Charles Yang and Ken Wexler (Moderator: Maria Teresa Guasti) 

Linguistic Flashmob 3 December 2020: "Binding" with Eric Reuland and Sandhya Sundaresan (Moderatore: Alessandra Giorgi)


On December 3rd, prof. Reuland from Utrecht University and prof. Sundaresan from University of Göttingen had a heated "fight" about the topic of Binding! The three questions of the debate are as follows:

1. What is your definition of anaphor?
2. What are the locality conditions on different types of anaphors?
3. Are grammatical or morphological features relevant in the distribution of anaphors?

The slides of prof. Sundaresan can be downloaded here:

What do you think? Do you agree with them? Let us know in the comment!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Linguistic Flashmobs 12 Nov. - Linearization (with Richard Kayne and Ad Neeleman)



1) Is precedence a relation defined in core syntax or only at the externalisation interface? 

2) Is there an underlying universal head initial order? 

3) Given your model, how is a phenomenon like extraposition analysed?

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