Monday, October 19, 2020

Linguistic Flashmob - Oct 22 - "Negation" with Viviane Déprez and Hedde Zeijlstra

On October 22 we had Vivian Déprez and Hedde Zeijlstra that discussed about "Negation"!

Their discussion is built on the following three questions: 
A) How does semantic uniformity map into such a broad syntactic variation? 
B) Why are negative concord phenomena so widespread? 
C) How does negation interact with other operators?

Many thanks to the speakers, the moderator and the audience for their wonderful comments and questions! 

We also received the following questions from the audience, but due to the time limit they are not read during the streaming:

Vyom Sharma: 
Given that pragmatically, the negation of a proposition means (all possible worlds where any other alternative proposition is true), and then we have canonical definition of focus, plus the interactions we see of negation with focus and topic in data, what do you think of negation as an Information Structure element?

Daniel Aremu: 
Does double negation always cancel each other, resulting in an affirmative (positive) clause?

Elena Benedicto:
How would one deal with the fact that non-standard varieties of english have DN while ‘standard’ english has DN? what would be the difference in acquisition (esp. for individuals that have both varieties?)

What do you think? Do you have any reflection on this topic? Please let us know in the comments of this blog!

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